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The History Of National Day Of Remembrance For Victims Of Illegal Aliens

Updated: Nov 6, 2022

On October 30, 2020, President Donald Trump issued a proclamation declaring Sunday, November 1, 2020, “National Day Of Remembrance For Americans Killed By Illegal Aliens.”

However, today, actually marks the 11th annual National Remembrance Day for those

Killed by Illegal Aliens. It is a day upon which we honor and remember those Americans who did not perish in a foreign war, though they did die violently.

You might say…they died in a different kind of war. But, for those lost, there are no wreath-laying ceremonies, nor twenty-one gun salutes. For those left behind, they truly suffer in silence, as the national news media is not interested, once they discover the identity of the killer.

National Remembrance Day for Those Killed by Illegal Aliens was conceived by the Tea Party Immigration Coalition (TPIC). In 2011, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) announced his sponsorship of a resolution making the first Sunday of every November the day we acknowledge and remember those Americans killed by illegal aliens.

On November 3, 2011, Rep. King stood just outside the Capitol building with Congressman Walter Jones and activists Jeff Lewis, founder of FIRE Coalition and TPIC founder John Stahl, alongside 'Angel Dads' Jamiel Shaw Sr. and Ray Tranchant, and said:

These are real human stories, there’s real pain and real agony going on a daily basis in the United States of America, and we treat it as if it’s just some kind of tolerable interruption of our lives. It’s not. It’s an interruption of innocent lives that takes place because we have an administration that refuses to enforce immigration law.

In years past, patriots across the country marked National Remembrance Day in many different and inspiring ways.

What follows is a short list of ideas on how you can honor the fallen:

• Fly your American flag at half-staff in front of your home or business.

• Gather with neighbors, family, and friends in the town square, in front of city hall, or in a park for a candlelight vigil.

• If you know a family who has lost someone at the hands of an illegal alien, reach out to them and let them know they are not alone.

• If you are able to attend church services, say a prayer for the victims as well as for their grieving families and ask your fellow parishioners to do the same.

• Place a candle in a window at dusk.

• Take a few moments to email your Congressman and Senators and remind them that the crimes committed by illegal aliens could be easily prevented, if only our government would defend the border and enforce immigration laws.

We are grateful to President Donald Trump for being the first president since Dwight D. Eisenhower to truly recognize the importance of defending our borders and enforcing our immigration laws. We are also very grateful to President Trump for honoring those Americans who succumbed to death by open border!

May the families and friends of the fallen, suffer in silence no more...

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1 comentario

31 oct 2020

Since the end of 2018 I have posted and tweeted the names of 520 people killed by an illegal immigrant. I try to post one death daily Monday -Friday. You can find them on Twitter at orrin@howmanyare2many

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