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'Sanctuary Sheriff' Freed Illegal Alien Charged With Sexual Assault On Disabled Woman

Updated: Mar 29, 2021

RALEIGH, NC – On February 27, 2020, police arrested Roberto Alvarez, 37, at his residence. He was wanted for an assault on the campus of North Carolina State University, which took place two days earlier.

On February 25, 2020, the suspect reportedly followed the disabled woman into Hudson Hall, then forced his way into her apartment. He grabbed, forcibly kissed and fondled the woman “who was physically helpless” according to the police report.

The victim immediately reported the assault once the assailant fled the scene.

Campus police obtained a warrant for his arrest.

Alvarez was charged with sexual battery, breaking and entering and assault on a person with a disability.

Despite the serious nature of the charges, he was booked into the Wake County Jail on only a $6,000 bond. Alvarez quickly came up with the $600 (10 percent of his bond) to pay a bail bondsman, and despite his status in this country was released back onto the streets.

The suspect's whereabouts are unknown at this time.

*Since taking office on December 3, 2018, Wake County Sheriff Gerald M. Baker has refused to cooperate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and has released many dangerous criminals back into his county, despite ICE detainers being issued against them.

Sheriff Gerald Baker has refused any comment on this particular case.

1 commentaire

Angie Chevallier
Angie Chevallier
27 mars 2021

Wake County has been , and continues to be, a top destination for illegals, due to its growth from out of state people moving there and building new houses . The illegals have taken over the residential construction industry, their children fill the public schools , and the illegal alien crime rate has skyrocketed.

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