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2 commentaires

j miller
j miller
26 févr. 2021

Castration. Deportation.


Cbill Morris
Cbill Morris
25 févr. 2021

Evidence which indicates that genetics is probably a component in explaining why races defer in the rate of violent crimes they commit affects Democrats and socialists like garlic affects vampires:

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go... The National Center for Biotechnology Information: There's a 100% correlation between low IQ and antisocial behavior in boys. The National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) "In arguing that IQ is a significant cause of crime, the researchers cite studies to indicate that criminal populations generally have an average IQ of about 92, 8 points below the mean. Delinquents and criminals average IQ scores 8 to 10 points lower than noncriminals,

6/27/10 "Criminologists have long known that criminals on average have lower intelligence than the general population..."

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