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Illegal Alien Charged With Murder Was Out On Bond For Stabbing

MARION, NC - On Monday, police arrested Emillio Jesus Villarreal, 24, after he reportedly shot another man at a house located at 153 Park Avenue.

When officers arrived on the scene, they found 20-year-old Ethan Dakota Troutman lying in the street, with a single gunshot wound to the chest.

The victim was pronounced dead at the scene.

Troutman had gone to the Park Avenue residence with another man to collect a debt, according to police.

In a press release, the Marion Police Department stated:

During the altercation, a third person identified as Emillio Jesus Villarreal, 24, of Morganton came out of the residence with a handgun. At some point Villarreal fired a single shot from the front porch striking Troutman in the torso. Troutman then ran from the front of the residence and got back in the Hummer to leave. It was only then he and his passengers realized he had been shot. At that time the other occupants in the vehicle removed Troutman and tried to render aid, but their attempts were unsuccessful.

Villarreal was charged with murder and is currently being held McDowell County Jail.

*Of course, this murder could have been prevented had Villareal simply been deported, and that opportunity presented itself nearly two years ago.

In March 2020, Villareal was charged with assault with a deadly weapon w/intent to kill inflicting serious injury booked into the Burke County Jail on $100,000 bail.

It is not known at this time why an ICE detainer was either not enforced or not filed in that case.

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Oct 22, 2022

What we need in the USA is a law passed that gives ALL persons in the USA illegally 6 months to self deport, or face forceful deportation & lifetime banishment, no possibility of gaining American citizenship! The 6 mo period would give them time to sell & settle their affairs before leaving. Those that do this would be allowed to apply for "legal entry Visas" or citizenship. Those caught in the USA illegally AFTER the 6 mo period would be sentenced to 24 months of hard labor performing infrastructure repair & construction projects while housed in tents with basic needs provided like food & water & basic medical care. Then after their 24 mo sentence was complete, deported and told…


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Jan 06, 2022

Looks like thugs from this mafia government are trying to eradicate the citizens of the US and replace them by illegal aliens and Muslim.

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Richard Massengale
Richard Massengale
Jan 06, 2022

Stinking greasers. Get the fuck out of our country. Go back to the shithole you came from.


Joe Martin
Joe Martin
Jan 06, 2022

Ah for the days of the constitutionally guaranteed speedy trial, conviction, sentencing and public execution. I kind of like that scene in Eastwood's "Hang 'em High." Eight at a time. Only thing I would add would be to leave them to rot for a week before mandatory creation and publicly dumping the ashes in the he Rio Grande in front of those waiting to cross.

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